Athletics are another key
element of character formation.

Athletics at Faith Christian School have the school’s mission as their aim:
A mind for truth, a heart for Christ, and a will to serve.

FCS encourages all its students to experience athletic competition because the requirements of athletics often play a powerful role in preparing them for all of life. Persistence, discipline, hard work, teamwork, fairness, camaraderie, selflessness, courage, as well as the ability to both win and lose well—all characteristics of a successful person.

When godly coaches modeling godly behavior mold students through athletics, lasting godly character is formed. Athletic competition can give students a deeper understanding of the Gospel itself.

The goal of Faith Christian School Athletics is that the students move beyond the act of competition to deepen their biblical understanding of its purpose, pitfalls, and rewards.

In addition to these awards, our athletes have been honored with individual district, region, state, and national awards. Due to our rich history in athletics, several of our athletes have gone on to compete at the collegiate level.

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Athletic Update
  • Middle School Girls Volleyball - South Region Volleyball Champs
  • Varsity Boys Cross Country - VACA State Champs
  • Middle School Girls Cross Country - VACA State Runner-Up
  • Varsity Boys Golf - VACA 3rd Place
  • Varsity Boys Volleyball - End of the Season Tournament Champions
  • Varsity Boys Basketball - Liberty Flames Summer Basketball Team Camp Champions
  • Varsity Girls Basketball - Lynchburg College Summer Basketball Team Camp - JV Team Champions
  • Varsity Girls Basketball - Roanoke College Summer Basketball Team Camp - JV Team Champions
  • First time in the history of the school: A declared Middle School Girl’s Cross Country Team
FCS Athletic Teams

FCS has recently sent teams to national competitions in both men’s and women’s basketball, women’s volleyball, cross country, and archery. FCS belongs to the following athletic associations:

  • VACA (Virginia Association of Christian Athletics)

For additional information, please get in touch with India Delp, Athletic Director at

  • Archery Open or Close

    Co-ed Archery Team (Winter, grades 4-12)

  • Basketball Open or Close

    Boys MS Basketball (Winter, grades 6-8)

    Girls MS Basketball (Winter, grades 6-8)

    Boys Varsity Basketball (Winter, grades 9-12)

    Girls Varsity Basketball (Winter, grades 9-12)

  • Cross Country Open or Close

    Boys MS Cross Country (Fall, grades 5-8)

    Girls MS Cross Country (Fall, grades 5-8)

    Boys Varsity Cross Country (Fall, grades 9-12)

    Girls Varsity Cross Country (Fall, grades 9-12)

  • Golf Open or Close

    Boys Golf Team (Spring, grades 6-12)

    Girls Golf Team (Spring, grades 6-12)

  • Soccer Open or Close

    Boys MS Soccer (Fall, grades 5-8)
    Boys Varsity Soccer (Fall, grades 9-12)
    Girls MS Soccer (Spring, grades 5-8)
    Girls Varsity Soccer (Spring, grades 9-12)

  • Volleyball Open or Close

    Girls MS Volleyball (Fall, grades 5-8)

    Girls Varsity Volleyball (Fall, grades 9-12)

    Boys Varsity Volleyball (Spring, grades 9-12)

    Boys MS Volleyball (Spring, grades 6-8)

Schedule a visit.

Come see the school in action, meet the teachers, and experience Faith Christian for yourself. We feel confident that your visit will help you make a better decision, no matter what you choose.

Contact Us!

Not only has the school come alongside us academically, but they have been a great sense of support for the family during different aspects of our daughters’ lives.

- O. Price







3585 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018

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