Faith Christian School: A place to grow, engage, and serve.

Serving fellow students and our Roanoke Valley community

Faith Christian School Extracurriculars

As parents, we all desire our children to become mature, thoughtful adults with a thriving faith. A significant step in that journey, for children of all ages, is to take on responsibility.

Our small classes, caring faculty, and proactive approach to encouraging students to take on age-appropriate tasks help them mature. Not every student can take on a formal leadership position, but every student will have the opportunity to take on responsibilities.

Lower School teachers intentionally provide students with small jobs and tasks to build confidence and maturity. Sharpening fellow students’ pencils can be a very big deal for a 4-year-old. Encouraging all young children in even the littlest chores is a springboard for tackling increasing levels of work. As one example, our 5th-grade students team up to work with Kindergartners, and they serve as greeters during morning student drop-off. Though seemingly small tasks, these sorts of responsibilities are the building blocks of understanding what it means to do things well, serve others, work cooperatively, and grow in responsibility which are all key attributes for future success.

Middle School provides your children with greater responsibility as they join different clubs and organizations, and serve on various committees. Students serve in leadership positions at a class, grade, Middle School, and Middle and Upper School levels.

Upper School students are afforded a multitude of opportunities in both formal leadership training and in assuming significant leadership positions. Our school culture promotes students’ growth and maturity. How?  Nearly two-thirds of our Upper School students are involved in leadership, mentoring, and training and the opportunities are varied and exciting.

Many schools talk about the need to train leaders. Faith Christian School shares that conviction, but unique to Faith is the understanding that whom to follow and how to follow are critical. Each of us must determine who (and what) is worthy of being followed. Christian Classical education is built on the premise that wisdom and virtue are critical characteristics that shape students’ hearts and help them to make wise choices.

Faith is committed to providing choices for extracurricular activities that build on our model of education and develop learners and leaders who are wise, responsible, thoughtful, conscientious, and disciplined.

The following represent some of the opportunities available to students for leadership and service and provide yet another robust avenue to prepare students for the next steps in their lives.


Selected by the administration, students complete a minimum of 15 hours of training in Faith Christian School’s Christian Classical model of education, history, curriculum, and culture and in proper etiquette and professionalism. Students are responsible for representing the school as Tour Guides for prospective parents and as Greeters and Hosts at school events and other community events.


Beginning in grade 3, students may audition for this exceptional select choir. The choir holds several formal concerts each year and performs at the weekly chapel services and other special occasions. 

Chess Club

The FCS Chess Club combines educational and social activities. Members come to play, to learn, to teach, and to get together with old friends as well as make new ones.  The players—no matter what their level of skill, experience, or age—speak a common language. The Chess Club is open to both Middle and Upper School students and meets on Wednesday, every other week (1st & 3rd) from 3:15-4 PM.

Debate Club

The FCS Debate Club is open to Upper School students. Debating is an excellent tool to encourage higher-order and critical thinking skills. It teaches students to structure and organize their thoughts while also developing their analytical and research skills. The purpose is to enable students to become more effective communicators in college, careers, hobbies and passions, and personal relationships.  hosts several opportunities for students and their families to serve within the community.

It meets on Friday, every other week (2nd & 4th), led by Mr. Mann.

FCServes - Lower School Service Project

Open to all Lower School students! FCServes hosts several opportunities for students and their families to serve within the community.

Fides (Latin for Faith)

Fides members help shape and contribute to the planning and leading of weekly chapel and other activities to encourage our community spiritually. Students with particular gifts, talents, and a desire to help are encouraged by the Fides members to contribute to chapels whether speaking, performing, leading worship, teaching, or praying. Chapels remind us that everything we do is centered on Christ and that our studies and work are not separate from our spiritual lives.

The Virginia Youth in Government Association is a statewide educational organization promoting leadership and civic engagement for teenagers in the Commonwealth. For over 65 years, students have participated in programs such as the Model General Assembly, Model Judicial Program, Hi-Y, and Government Clubs, and the Williamsburg program. These programs provide opportunities for students to become leaders and see first-hand the inner workings of the state government.

Faith students have excelled at the Model General Assembly conference based on their training in sound reasoning and communication and as a result, often are awarded leadership positions. The VAYGA Youth and Government program promotes the core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. For more information:

HOBY (Hugh O-Brian Youth Leadership)

Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation. Students must apply and be accepted to this annual three-day event with the expressed purpose of developing leadership skills and principles in young men and women. Two rising juniors are selected by the faculty to take advantage of this opportunity.

Ministerium (Latin for Ministry)

Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to grow in responsibility. Ministerium, a school service club, allows students to specifically direct their growth in leadership and responsibility. Ministerium projects have included serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House, making shoes for children in Uganda, writing cards for Veterans, and making blankets for the elderly and children in foster care.

Project Faith

Planning an event for over 600 people provides a significant opportunity for students to take on substantial responsibility. A select group of students in grades 11 and 12 serve as leaders for Project Faith and carry out duties ranging from raising student spirit and performing skits during assemblies to assisting Project Managers in the coordination of logistics.

Project Faith is an annual student-led event that serves as both a fundraiser and a day of service to our community. For months, students work with school leaders to plan and implement a powerful event that instills a love of service in our students and reaches into our community to serve those in need. Over the past 23 years, Faith Project has served 55 organizations, 9,750 volunteers, 60,000 hours. Voted annually as one of the area’s best charity events, Project Faith continues to make a lasting impact in our community.

SGA (Student Government Association)

Elected by their peers, SGA representatives in grades 6-12 are responsible for planning various social events for Middle and Upper School students. SGA representatives must build and manage a budget, raise funds, manage projects, create marketing materials, and consistently work toward improving their processes. These responsibilities align with many of the skills necessary for running a business. The social activities are meant to promote community within our school, to deepen relationships, and to foster strong communication among faculty, staff, and administration.


LaMesa offers Upper School students the opportunity to learn and apply leadership skills in their Spanish classes. This enrichment club plans and hosts several activities during the school year that are directly related to the culture and language they are studying. Monthly meetings are designed to expand students’ cultural understanding and to give opportunities for extended practice in listening and speaking. In addition to lunchtime meetings, LaMesa sponsors several events outside of school each year.


Veritas Honor Society is comprised of students in grades 10-12 who have met the academic requirements for membership by maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the previous year at Faith Christian School. As a club, Veritas seeks to serve the school community by providing free tutoring services to Faith students. Veritas members also mentor 6th-grade students during the first few weeks of the school year and host events to foster upper-school group discussion of current, debatable topics. The goal of Veritas is to embody the school’s virtues of a mind for truth, a heart for Christ, and a will to serve by helping and inspiring students to strive for excellence in all their endeavors.

Each of the class communities, in high school, middle school, and lower school, have welcomed our three children in. I've felt happy tears numerous times at how our children are thriving here and how much Faith Christian School is worth the investment!

- Lisa, Mom to David, Elanor,and Brennan

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