Almost There...

Getting Ready For Meet The Teacher Day At Faith Christian School!

Meet The Teacher Day:
Monday, August 15th

The countdown until First Day Of School begins! We're looking forward to having you join us on Monday, August 15 for Meet The Teacher Day.

The schedule for new and returning families is below. Be sure to pay attention to the schedule as the times are different based on whether you are a new or returning family as well as for Lower School or Middle and Upper School students.

And don't forget to fill out the forms (below) you'll need to turn in at Meet The Teacher Day!

Back To School

Meet The Teacher Schedule

Please note that if you ordered 1st Day classroom supply kits and selected to have them delivered to the school, they have been delivered to the classroom and will be available for Meet The Teacher Day.

Families new to FCS with Lower School Students:

9:00 AM - NEW LS families arrive at the school via the front entrance/Drop-off supplies in classroom(s) and meet the teacher(s)

9:30 AM - Attend new families meeting in the Library. (Childcare provided in the Gym for JK-5th Grade students.)

10:00 AM - Go to Great Room to visit tables

Families new to FCS with Middle & Upper School Students:

9:30 AM - Arrive arrive at the school via the front entrance and head to the Library for new families meeting.

10:00 AM - Visit classrooms and Great Room

Returning Lower School Families:

9:15 -10:15 AM - All RETURNING LS families arrive, drop off supplies in classrooms, visit Great Room

Returning Middle & Upper School  Families:

10:15- 11:15 AM - RETURNING M/US families visit classrooms and Great Room


(Forms should be turned in on Meet the Teacher Day)


Additional information for parents.

Helpful Points Of Contact

The following is a list of contacts who can help with specific areas of questions:

  • Kristan Brown, Head of Lower School and Interim Head of Middle and Upper School at
  • Cathy Garland, PVO President (Parent Volunteer Organization) at
  • Kathy Martin, Director of Finance at
  • Melissa Moslow, Receptionist at for general questions
  • Rebecca Ridge, Middle and Upper School Administrative Assistant at Rebecca is the primary point of contact for communicating with your Middle and Upper School student or teachers during the day.  She oversees the details and logistics of Middle and Upper School day-to-day and events.
  • Ginny Smith, Lower School Administrative Assistant at Ginny is a wealth of knowledge regarding all the details of the Lower school including dress code, FACTS/Renweb, scheduling, FCS events, and many other logistics of Lower School.
  • Greg Miller, Athletic Director at
  • Shelly Whitaker at if you want to be added to our FCS Family Facebook page.


I have no idea what God is going to call my children to do. But I know that the skills that they are receiving at FCS—how to think critically, how to articulate their thoughts, how to be confident in front of others, how to be filled with the fruits of the spirit, how to love what God loves—all of these things will set them up for success for whatever they choose to do.

- Delp Family







3585 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018

Phone: 540.769.5200    |   Admissions Email:



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